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I miss you so, my little friend, for I could never measure
The happiness you brought to me, the comfort and the pleasure.
Now, rest in peace my precious one, too sad we had to part,
But you will live forever in my thoughts, and in my heart.


We adopted Oreo from Rolvenden back in April 2019 and he immediately felt like a part of our family.

Oreo wasn’t a cuddly cut but he was friendly and was so patient with my children. He would often sit out the front of the house and allow passers by to make a fuss of him.

He would also wander a few doors down to our local park and would let other children stroke him too. I’m sure he saw us all as his personal servants. Everyone would comment on how handsome he was.

I’ve worked from home since 2020 so he was never far from my side, either next to the desk, on the windowsill, on my keyboard or behind my screen. He adored a fluffy blanket but in the summer one of his favourite places to be was in the garden and we would often sit out there together, listening to the birds. In the evenings he would curl up on my lap or behind my head and he soon became my official reading buddy.

Unfortunately Oreo was diagnosed with Feline Congestive Heart Failure on the 11th May but didn’t respond to medication and we had to say goodbye on the 26th May.

We already miss him so so much. The house feels too quiet and the bottom of my bed feels too empty but I will forever be grateful we were able to give Oreo a second chance at a happy life.

Sleep tight my bestest boy xxx


Today I had to say goodbye to my beautiful little Clio.

She was such a little dot but she certainly ruled the house! She went from a scared little rescue cat to a cuddly 18 year old lady.

She’s been by my side through everything and I loved her dearly.

Now it’s your time to rest Clio and run across rainbow bridge to be reunited with your best friend Nova. xxx



Our dear little black cat with very green eyes.

Sun seeker, gardening companion

A love of tuna and turkey (but never salmon or chicken)

Alarm clock Fire hogger

Commander of the stairs

Enjoyed a chat

Rest peacefully Meggie Mouse, thank you for everything.

2009-February 12th 2024


You were the most beautiful, gentle boy, with the kindest soul. I adored you from the moment I met you, and you were a real Mummy's boy.

My heart aches to still have you in my life, and those 12 years seem so very short now that you are gone.

My dear loving little brown-eyed gentleman, you have taken a piece of my heart with you - so please hold it tight it until I see you again.



We adopted Marnie when she was 3, I still remember when I first met her at Rolvenden, she was so friendly, she seemed so happy to see me and my dad that she rolled over onto her back and she was so enthusiastic that she almost rolled off the wood she was lying on.

Marnie was an incredible animal, she would talk to you when you fed her and she would make sure to greet you whenever you came into her room. She was kind, patient, friendly, loving and kind and best of all she turned my dad from a cat hater to a cat lover.

Marnie was my first cat who we got in 2016, when she was 9, she was my best friend and she is very missed. We feel incredibly privileged to have been a servant to such an incredibly amazing cat, unfortunately almost 7 years with Marnie just wasn’t enough.



I took home Whippet and Willow in January of 2015 and although both so shy for first month with encouragement and peace and quiet they both came out their hideouts. Whippet was most confident first and we bonded so well. Later that summer they both would venture out into my garden with me.

Whippet was always the most affectionate and would always follow me about. He had upper respiratory problems and we had our fair share of trips to vets. He loved my mum staying over as she would hand feed both cats freshly cooked chicken until their bellies were full.

I will miss him deeply he was an amazing character that thrived on cuddles, brushing and so much love. Good bye my dear friend.

Whippet 31st March 2023.


Our little Woody-Woody-Woody-Wouldn’t he. Thank you so much for the time that you gave us. Short as it was, you burrowed your way into our hearts and souls and became part of what makes us a family.

We’ll miss so many things that you did. The way you would let us know you wanted to come in by reaching up for the door handle, while yelling, “Maahm!! MAAHM!!” The way you tried to open the door by leaping up and grabbing the handle, then just hanging there. We’ll miss the incredible amount of noise that you and your brother made when you chased each other up and down the stairs. The way you would lean into a pet, like you couldn’t wait for the hand to reach your head. The fact that I had two dogs following me to the loo; the big loud one, and the tiny black one. The way you would put your head under my chin when I laid down, and then purr us both to sleep. How you would do a little jump to reach up and rub your head under your dog’s chin. And how you would roll over onto your back and flail your little forelegs at him, obviously saying, “Play with me, Dash!” The way you would slap my hands when I was feeding you, saying, “Hurry up and fill that bowl!” So many other things that made you special, I can’t even list them all.

I won’t clean the tiny footprints off of the high-up places – places where we can’t imagine how you managed. Not yet. As long as I see those footprints near the ceiling, you are still here. Both of your brothers are pining for you; Buzzybear, who was with you from the beginning, and large barky Dash, who you acquired when you came into our lives. They miss you. We miss you. We will always miss you. Thank you for being our silly, funny, petite, delicate cuddler. Thank you for the time you gave us, baby Woody.


Esther had been unwell for a while the Christmas before last, and she was given only a few weeks. But with medication she stayed another 18 months or more.

She was the best little cat and we had a wonderful time together.

She was brilliant about taking her medication and never made a fuss.

She is buried in the paddock outside my house, and I can see her from my window so she will be with me forever. xx

Lester (1/9/12 - 27/7/22)

Lester introduced himself to us when we visited Rolvenden Cat Rescue in January 2015. He kept coming up to us and then running to a black and white cat called Lacey who we found out was his mum.

They were both very shy but Lester soon gained confidence which in turn encouraged Lacey to trust us.

Lester was such an adorable, fun character and we had a wonderful 7 ½ years together.

We miss him very much and have many happy memories to remember him by.



Our little fur baby Charmer crossed rainbow bridge on 26/02/21.

We rescued her from Rolvenden Cat Rescue a couple of years ago, who thankfully gave our beautiful girl another chance in life to be happy and loved. Ruth picked charmer out for us as a family with young children, the right cat coming to our home was a must.

I’m so thankful charmer got to spend the last few years of her life with us, she was the most caring, kind and gentle cat and showed us so much love and affection everyday.

Our home won’t be the same without our beautiful girl, until we meet again some day. x


Wonderful Kenny, my best friend.

Rescued by Rolvenden Cat Rescue, he brought light into my life and like the brightest of stars, his spirit, life and personality burned brilliantly.

His love and affection will never be forgotten.


In memory of the best most beautiful cat that ever lived.

Ping you were a bonkers cat, the heart of our home, a bossy noisy cat who was the king of the house . How did a cat get everyone to wait on him hand and foot ? A cat who jumped in the bath, hid under a sofa so he could jump out and bite your toes , a cat who would only drink running water and bashed you on the nose in the middle of the night, just because he fancied a snack . A cat who turned into a pen stealing thug if you were trying to work at a desk . A cat who you didn’t dare ignore because if you did he would clear the surfaces of anything he could move, dozens of smashed mugs and plates but who cares , we didn’t, we just laughed at his antics and were grateful every day for the laughter he bought to the house. The noisiest chattering cat , who talked all day . It was easy to know what he wanted as he had his different voices , angry , hungry , bored, happy . He was NEVER quiet ! A snuggly snoring blanket, a funny naughty chatty friend .

We are heartbroken that you are gone and life truly won’t be the same without our beautiful furball Ping . We miss you so much . There will never ever be a better cat . Love always .


We had our dear Obi for five years. He had always been a nervous boy- he had obviously had a bad start to his life. But,slowly he began to trust us, our home and garden.

Then suddenly he has been taken from us ,by an illness that came on without any warning. Now he is gone.

Obi we loved you so much and always will. Rest In Peace. Thank you Rolvenden for bringing him into our lives.


When I first saw you I knew you were extra special and that was how it was. You became such a handsome boy but so loving and gentle, the most beautiful friend I could ever have had. Taken away from me on 25th April by a reckless driver.

I've been told that time will be a healer, but my heart hurts more every day. I miss you so much, all I hope is that one day we will be together again.


My beautiful adorable blue Tonkinese boy, the naughtiest, cleverest, noisiest, most demanding and loving cat. What will I do without you?

After years of upper respiratory illness, to lose you to cancer was a too much to bear. You were loved by all who met you and you will never be forgotten.

Thirteen years went by so fast and my heart will never be completely whole again.

I could not have loved you more my precious darling, and I miss you more than words can say.

Always and forever... Mummy xxx


I'm so sorry to let you know that our beautiful Jack, my lovely boy, had to be put to sleep in September. We only adopted him the previous year, and it was heartbreaking to let him go, but he developed aggressive mouth cancer. The vet operated and removed most of it; we'd hoped that he would be with us for a few months more with a good quality of life, but the cancer returned within a very short time. So we had to make that dreaded decision, but it was the kindest for him. We'd only had him for less than two years, but in that short time he'd made a lasting impression in our hearts and we'll never forget him. He was so loving, clever and funny. He loved to be cuddled, and I'd often wake up in the night to find that he was burrowing under the duvet to lie beside me, and liked nothing better than to curl up on a lap. There is now a Jack-shaped hole in my heart. Thank you for bringing him into our lives. xx


Kez our beautiful much loved fur baby was taken from us suddenly after becoming poorly, he died at home leaving us broken hearted.

I first met Kez within an hour of his birth and knew he was the fur baby for our family, he filled our lives for 14 years with fun and lots of cuddles.


It is with great sadness that I am informing you of the death of my beautiful black cat Norton.

He was hand reared by Cats Protection from 3 weeks old and has been a wonderful companion.

Due to a tumour we sadly put him to sleep last Monday. Resting now in peace and reunited with his partner Valerie.



Sleep well my boy so sorry we didn’t have longer together.

See you again one day.

Alice and Connie miss you too – much love always



I was lucky to enough to find Baxter at your sanctuary in October 2012 and we have spent the last 5 1/2 years enjoying each other’s company. He was a special boy, my Pride & Joy and my cheeky sidekick. Everyone loved him but are now deeply saddened by the roaming savage dog attack which fatally ended his life far too soon.

I can only be grateful for happy years he spent with me. I would love to keep his memory alive on your Remembrance page.


My lovely boy Oscar came to live with me aged 11 years from Rolvenden.

We had almost 5 wonderful years together before age and illness took him from this world. He was a calm, affectionate and gentle boy with a beautiful soul and I miss him so much.

I wish we had been allowed more time but he will always be in a special place in my heart forever. Bless you little blue boy…


Ricky is sadly missed, especially by his Mummy and Daddy,  but also by the many visitors to Rolvenden Cat Rescue.

He was “Uncle” Ricky to the many orphaned kittens he had fostered and nurtured, here at the rescue.

Dear Ricky was one of the first stray cats accepted into our centre all those years ago….. 


We adopted Basil when he was 6 months old from Rolvenden but we soon changed his name from Liquorice to Basil because of his lovely bushy tail.  He loved climbing in to paper bags, chasing balls, catching voles and mice and 1 day he even caught a mole!  He slept in a deep slumber after only a few seconds, in all sorts of funny positions, and he did not like to be woken up. 

He met me every day, waiting on the drive after work and used to enjoy lying on the car when it was still warm. He loved patrolling the field from the fence posts looking for tasty prey.  He loved exploring and during the day was hardly ever still.  On August 5th 2015 he was sadly run over by a car.

Basil, you brightened up our day with your sparkly personality and we will never forget you.


Peri, my beautiful odd-eyed white boy was a treasured member of my family for 16 years, from the tender age of just 9 weeks old.  He was  never a well puss but he was a tough little chap, fighting and beating many illnesses, but in later life he developed pancreatitis which after two long years proved to be too much for him. 

I will never forget him and the precious time we spent together. I hope he is with his old friends who went before him, happy and free of pain. 

“I know we will meet again my love”.


We got him from Rolvenden along with another cat back in December 2010 and they were formally known as Leeroy and Millie. They were renamed as Clio and Nova.

They loved each other to bits but unfortunately he recently started suffering from breathing difficulties and it turned out to be a heart problem with fluid in the chest so the kindest thing to do was to put  him to sleep.

He was a much loved cat and helped many friends overcome their fear of cats due to his loving and affectionate nature. Clio will miss him like crazy but she has our dog to keep her company now.

Miss Marple

Our dear little Miss Marple (who I hope you remember, can’t forget that name!) who was with you back in 2011, sadly passed away very suddenly on the Saturday 24th May.

She is greatly missed and was deeply loved and treasured the way a cat should be. I just wanted to also thank you for bringing her into our lives as she truly was very special to us.


Last year I had a cat from Rolvenden, a long haired ginger called Ricardo.  He fitted in with the family really well, sat with the dogs and the other two cats.  Unfortunately recently he became poorly and was taken to the vets only to find out he was anaemic but was treated with antibiotics and anti-inflamatories and had two blood tests for various things. 

The following morning I found that he had died.  I was so upset when I spoke to the vets; they said that the results of one of the blood tests showed he had a cancer of the stomach.  He was a much loved pet and I will miss him.


Bernie came to us when he was about 12 years old and for two wonderful years he made our house a home. Ones lap was never left alone; if you sat down anywhere, then 10 seconds later Bernie was on it and purring away!

He was Daddy’s special boy and even though he loved my wife, he would always seek my lap out first, much to the annoyance of my wife! He loved the quiet life and enjoyed his sunbathing for hours on end. Unfortunately, from being seemingly fine, he succumbed to illness very quickly and on 19/05/2014 he was sadly laid to peaceful rest.

Bernie is completely irreplaceable and will never be forgotten.  He was a gorgeous cat and a mate.  RIP Daddy’s special little boy x

Our Dear Berie, who liked to sleep in strange places

Berie came to us a number of years ago from Rolvenden Cat Rescue as a feral. 

She lived in our barn, but eventually trusted us enough to be stroked and would even come into our kitchen to sit with us. 

She was always so affectionate.  She passed away this summer and we still miss her terribly.  She was a brilliant mouser.

Freddie & Ginger

Freddie and Ginger, brother and sister, named after Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

Sadly, Ginger was knocked down at an early age.  She was the adventurous one, and so playful and sweet.

Fred had a variety of little girl friends after that. Fred outlived them all, and we became best friends, partners almost. He was my Lion Cub, but not fearless. I loved him so very much and still miss him badly. He will never leave my thoughts after 16 and half years together. xxx

Oscar-Bear xxx

Oscar you were taken from us far too soon.

I knew you would come home with us the moment I saw you, you melted my heart and that was it I was in love. You were the kindest most gentle boy and so easy to love, you made me smile every day and I was so lucky to have had you in my life.

I don’t know where you came from or anything of your life before Ruth and Allan rescued you but I so wanted to make your new life with us a better one. I wish I could have done more to protect you. I know the night you were taken from us you were happy and we you loved very, very much and I hope you know that too.

I will think of you every day and love you every day and wish I could have one more bear cuddle. Our gorgeous gentle boy, you left a hole in our family and you have stolen our hearts, we will love you forever.


Poppy turned up at 1am one morning and stayed, we never found where she came from but she made herself at home with us.

She was certainly a loving cat and a big influence in my life when I was diagnosed with clinical depression and severe anxiety, she stayed on my lap every day, getting off to stretch her legs, eat and use the facilities, she would come straight back to me. I was devastated when we lost her and I will never forget her.

Baby Lee

Lee (Baby) was a tiny, sweet girl, head of the house, even though she was    small she certainly had a loud voice and made her presence known.

Sox & Princess

Sox and Princess were very shy but loved being outside, Princess always crossed her paw when she laid down and Sox always squeaked when supper was ready.


Percy came to us from Rolvenden and, although shy at first, soon settled in to become an affectionate fellow, as long as we knew our place!

He blossomed until one day we saw he was unwell. He was hyperthyroid and despite many visits to the vet, we knew he was not going to recover. He had a tumour. He was about 12. We made our last visit together in June 2012 and he now rests in the garden he loved. A Percy shaped hole is in our lives, and his paw prints are deep in our hearts.


My dear, delicate little flower.

I think of you so often even though you were gone so quickly from our lives.

A tragic accident that took your soft beauty out of this world.

Love always,

Mummy xxx


Why do people have to drive so fast? This is Jake our adopted cat from Rolvenden.  He came to live with us along with his sister Ella.

The pleasure they brought to our lives was priceless. I just hope the driver of the car that ended Jakes young life feels as bad as we do. 

Sleep peaceful Little one and rest easy knowing we continue to love and look after Ella and miss you every day.  God bless you xx


Tio was a timid little lad, and not blessed with the best of health. This didn’t stop him enjoying the time he had with his companion cats and with a select few humans.

He sadly died aged 9, after a lifetime of kidney disease and I miss him very much. His closest companion cat Peri misses him too, as no matter how many other cats come into his life, only Tio filled that special place.

Bless you my little lovely. xxx


Mica was 16 when she died and had been with me for most of that time. She was funny and cheeky, moody and grumpy sometimes, much like any elderly lady.

Thinking of her brings a smile to my face, tinged with sadness that we can’t sit together or cuddle each other any more.  I miss my little girl and hope she is young again – chasing butterflies in the long grass…….


This is Julius, a sweet little boy who I discovered, undersized, ill and thin, sheltering in my log shed.

Although I took him in and he was given immediate vets’ care, it was not possible to bring him back to health – living rough had taken its toll.

Be well now little Julius, and I shall think of you without fear or hunger, playing in sunshine and wild flowers.


Molly (Ritz)

Our lovely little girl Molly (Ritz) was hit by a car and died on Friday(March 2011).

It is such a terrible shame as after months of turmoil we were finally finding the beautiful girl that she really was.

In the last 6 months she had really turned around from being the little hissy missy that we grew to love to blossom into the most beautiful cat. She enchanted everybody that she met with her amazing green eyes and became so friendly. In the evenings she would curl up on the back of the sofa with us to watch television and if I should fall to sleep she would gently tap my chest to wake me.

She will be missed so much and I think even little Tigger will miss her, even though she still gave him a hard time. I think he enjoyed the sport.


I feel your heartbeat in my chest Each time I hold you near,

I kiss your head, your little nose, for I love you so my dear.  

You’re my friend and you’re my confident, for it’s you I always tell

When the world is cruel and has no soul, You save me from life’s hell.  

If I never see your like again I would not feel surprise

to never match the wonder that pours from out your eyes.  

When you are gone for evermore a piece of me will die,

But in me lives your gentleness so we never say goodbye.  


When Krystal died, the house seemed too quiet, too empty. She was tiny in stature but big in personality, and was a devoted companion to Khan and to me.

She was the second of them to go and losing my terrific twosome was almost too painful to bear. I know that they are together now, curled up like bookends after chasing each other this way and that, just like they always did. There is a special place in my heart, dear Krystal, reserved for your memory.


Benson was a rescue cat who we adopted when he was about 8 yrs old. Sadly Benson died last Thurs 29th Nov 2012, having been unwell for several months. he was about 16 yrs old. He was a beautiful, proud boy in his prime, majestic. Wherever I went, he followed, usually so he could curl up to have a sleep. He was devoted to me as I was to him. He has left a huge void in our lives and our home. He will always be remembered, have photos of him everywhere. He was so loved and will be so much missed. Benson you were/are, my best boy. Will always love you. Rest in peace now, be young and free again and go and play.

Kwai Chang Mr Pinkus (Pinky)

Pinky was a lovely, sensible, gentle and intelligent boy. He came to live with us aged eleven and although not too well at the start, lived to the ripe old age of nineteen.

He was also a wonderful “uncle” to the little kittens in his life and he brought them up perfectly. There is never a day that passes when I don’t think of him at least once, and I still feel the sharp pang of his loss. I miss my regal gentleman, with his silken coat, green eyes and big voice, always chatting.

I like to think of him now surrounded by kittens, keeping him busy…


Pip was my first cat as an adult. He was such a naughty boy – he loved to pounce on my legs and tear my tights, just as I was leaving for work! another of his favourite things was running up the back of the sofa and biting whoever was sitting there on the scalp, or digging his claws into your lap in case whoever he was sitting on wanted to move. He loved to dig up the carpet and rip up the toilet roll… the list goes on :). One of the most enduring memories of him however, was taking him for drives in the car. We took him everywhere with us and from a tiny kitten, he was so used to car travel he would lay on the parcel shelf and watch the traffic before having a well earned snooze. He was really wonderful and much loved – what larks Pip……

 © Copyright Rolvenden Cat Rescue |  Registered Charity Number 1141631 | All rights reserved  |  01580 241632